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Home Care Products ( 9 )Patient Transfer Lift ( 1 )Patient Mattress ( 8 )Medical Cushion ( 8 )Positioning Cushion ( 10 )

Physical therapy

The elderly and disabled who need to receive physical therapy services in facilities such as nursing homes and elderly care centers.

Nursing mattress

People with Alzheimer's, dementia, ALS, paraplegia, spinal cord paralysis, etc.

Home care

Patients who need home care due to limited mobility or who are hospitalized in hospitals due to any illness.

Medical mattress

Problems such as bedsores, positioning difficulties, possible risks to the lungs due to immobility, muscle wasting, muscle pain, posture disorders.

Home care products, patient bed, air mattress, care bed, medical pillow, etc. can find solutions with products.

You can also obtain personalized medical supplies without quantity limitation with BedAiD® Technology assurance.