Home type patient bed, which is the requirement of care patients, are products that can offer solutions to different needs at the same time.
Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate patient beds under two headings.
Patient cot is a product that facilitates the life of the patient's relatives rather than the patient.
Different types of patient bed cots offer a wide range of products with the materials and motors used.
Manual cots are the most primitive solution for home type patient bed. These cots with back and foot lifting function are moved by body power without a motor.
As with beach loungers, the back or foot piece in the patient beds provides the desired position.
It is not possible to adjust the patient bed that provides manual movement by the patient.
The materials used in this type of patient beds are prepared with simple materials. Therefore, they are the cheapest products in terms of price.
The home type patient bed, which is evaluated under the second heading, consists of products with motor and control system.
The number of motors and materials used in household patient beds leads to the availability of different bedstead models.
These models, which are produced as two-motor patient cots, can have up to seven motors.
And it should not be forgotten that each motor has a function in the home type patient bed cot. Thus, choosing a cot suitable for the requirement will prevent paying high prices for unnecessary functions.
The two-motor patient bed cot provides only back and leg movements. But 3 motorised patient bed cots also allow the raising and lowering function.
Therefore, general needs in patient beds can be met by three motorised cots.
As the material used, the type of material preferred in the domestic patient bed should generally be wood. Because home type patient bed cots should be preferred considering the psychology of patients and their relatives.
BedAiD® patient bed is the prominent product in the mattress section of the home type patient bed produced to protect against bedsores.
It has massage, ventilation and cube/block features. Therefore, BedAiD® patient bed, which is unique in the world, does not compromise on comfort while offering protection to the patient.
In addition to the BedAiD® patient bed, which is produced individually, you can examine the support products by clicking on the link.